Preț redus! Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028 Mărește

Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028


New product

Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028

More details

219,00 lei

-16,00 lei

235,00 lei


Ecran display cu afișaj tactil HMI LCD-TFT de 2,8 inchi

Rezoluție ecran 320 x 240

Culori RGB 65K

MCU ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 64MHz

SRAM 3584 octeți

4 MB memorie flash

XH2.54 4 pini (+5V, TX, RX, GND) interfață serială TTL

Hardware Feature

2.8” LCD-TFT Resistive HMI touch display module

320 x 240 screen resolution

RGB 65K true-to-life colours

Onboard ARM® Cortex®-M0+ 64MHz MCU

3584 Byte SRAM

4 MB Flash memory

XH2.54 4 Pins (+5V, TX, RX, GND) TTL serial interface

Nextion Editor Overview

Nextion Editor is a free human-machine interface (HMI) GUI development software for Nextion Basic Series, Enhanced Series, and Intelligent Series. The software offers an easy way to create an intuitive and superb touch user interface even for beginners. Add a static picture as a background, define functions by components, you can make a simple GUI in minutes. The easy Drag-and-Drop components and simple ASCII text-based instructions will dramatically reduce your HMI project development workloads and develop projects rapidly in a cost-effective way. The Nextion product is the best balance HMI solution between cost and benefit with a low and decreased learning curve.


Extremely Low Power Comsuption in Deep Sleep Mode

When the Deep Sleep Mode is activated, the device's working current is down to 0.25 mA. Your Battery-Powered HMI device will last a longer working time with such a low power consumption.

15+ WYSIWYG Components for HMI Development

Easy-to-use components to customized GUI at screen side allow you to develop projects rapidly in a cost-effective way
1. Text 2. Scrolling text 3. Number 4. xfloat 5. Button 6. Progress bar 7. Picture 8. Crop  9.Hotspot 10.Gauge
11. Waveform 12. Slider ...

Free Simulator Debug

Debug the HMI project at any time even without the Nextion Display. The instruction input area allows you to send
any Nextion commands to check the feedback and interactions.

Fonts and Text Styling

The font creator allows you to generate the specific fonts applied in each component value or text attribute.
Generate the font of "Arial" with Height "24" and Encoding "UTF-8"

New image compression technique to Save More Space Usage

Image compression is achieved breaking the traditional 2 byte per pixel formula and allowing more pictures in the same amount of flash compared to Basic and Enhanced models.For example:
Add 319 images in NX4832F035 only takes 3.06MB, save up to 70% flash space.

UTF-8 Subset Reduce Font Space Usage

The Font Generator can generate a ZI Font using user-selected combinations of UTF-8 subsets. There are 142 subsets covered all language characters so you can create the HMI project with any language content text.


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Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028

Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028

Ecran display 2.8" Nextion XD HMI USART GPU serial cu Touch screen NX3224F028